Supermom In Training: 4 Quick ways to simplify your life as a parent | Parenting 101

Supermom In Training: 4 Quick ways to simplify your life as a parent | Parenting 101

I’m always looking for shortcuts – quick hacks that will make my life just a little bit easier. Whether it’s taking a few extra minutes to get organized, or a few extra dollars to save my overall sanity.

If you’re hosting, get help! There’s no need to go at it alone. If you’re having a big group over, make it a potluck so everyone pitches in. Or, meal kit services like HelloFresh can streamline the whole process by delivering all the ingredients and recipes you need right to your front door (they even have an all-inclusive Thanksgiving kit too).

Meal plan. Take the time on the weekend to plan the dinners for the week. Take it a step further and prep some stuff for breakfast and lunch too (cutup veggies and fruits, meal muffins, and more). It will save you the headache of figuring things out in the moment day-to-day.

Organize some reciprocal playdates. If you need a few extra hours during the week, suggest to a fellow parent that you’ll take turns hosting playdates after school or on weekends. 

Take time for you. You know what will make you a better parent – if you’re a happier, healthier parent. No, there’s isn’t always time in the day for alone time or a nap, but you can always find 10 minutes here and there for some quiet downtime, some yoga stretches, a walk, or just sitting quietly and decompressing.

A full-time work-from-home mom, Jennifer Cox (our “Supermom in Training”) loves dabbling in healthy cooking, craft projects, family outings, and more, sharing with readers everything she knows about being an (almost) superhero mommy.

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